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...they get theirs.


Everytime you get Your Nutrtion...

So what is Friends Of The World (and what isn't it)?
  • an independent ‘fund-creator’, based in NZ with its own bank accounting and ability to receive & deposit income (in the form of commission cheques from Life Force each time referred customers order Body Balance)

  • an independent Life Force member position (with its own PIN) which is free to participate in the referral-for-commission business activities offered by that company

  • a way of allocating and distributing those Life Force-derived funds to specific known people and/or projects aligned with a certain purpose/intention(s). By its very activity of social entrepreneurship, it also aims to educate others about the projects, people, regions and cultures that it supports. Also to share more education on general wellness and nutritional principles, and income opportunities for the greater social good

  • it's not a ‘not-for-profit’ body nor a charity nor Trust with trustees in a formal sense of governance

Why Friends Of The World was created?
  • Personally, I wanted to create a situation where commission from my Body Balance referrals could go to a dedicated fund (beyond just occasional donations) to directly contribute (like to Maria, Marta, Martita or Tenzin Kunga)

  • I invented Friends of the World in 2009, then through Buy-1-Give-1 also created additional ‘Transaction-based-giving’ each month (to other small but valuable causes)

  • Now I want to inspire others (individuals and groups) to consider doing the same for their own causes and ways to generate ongoing funds

Why Created
Specific aims
  • We continue developing and creating an income-fund for sponsoring/empowering more projects and support (eg Niños del Lago) through Body Balance referrals each month

  • Create a community-based centre called Language Cafe where local people in Guatemala can come, be fed, study-learn-share & interact with people from other cultures, free from the worry of cost

  • Develop a subsidised program to make Body Balance/nutrition available (to sell for pennies or give away) to those in parts of the world most in need of it (Guatemala villages would be just one-such example) 

  • Develop a network of self-empowered 'distributors' (possibly using micro-finance) in developing-world locations (especially Central America & S E Asia) thus creating dignified incomes for those with less opportunities

Inspired by Muhhamad Yunus.....
  • The inspiration for finding ways to empower people and make Body Balance available came originally from this video by Muhhamad Yunus, founder of Grameen micro-finance in Bangladesh. In the following video-clip he actually speaks of making small yoghurts available, fortified with introduced-vitamins. Our ambition however, is to make Body Balance available in similar ways, as it already contains all the minerals, vitamins etc imaginable and from natural, synergistic plant sources.

  • See what you think......

How are Funds Created?
  • Friends of the World creates its funds by being able to refer individuals to order and enjoy Body Balance liquid whole food nutrition.

  • Whilst we hope to be able to receive funds direct from ‘donations’ and gifts, as well as income generated from the sale of goods made by 3rd parties in the sponsor-aid regions in the future, the main nature of the funds will come from referral commissions generated through activity with Life Force. Essentially, FOTW makes its income by being able to refer individuals to become regular monthly customers of Body Balance

  • For example when a new Customer (referred by FOTW) orders 2 Body Balance, that generates US$17.05. Each following month’s Customer order generates US$7.75 for similar sized orders. So over 12 months, this one Customer alone would generate US$102.30 for FOTW to donate to a chosen cause, by such an order.

  • And if this Customer ever increases their monthly order (say to 4 Body Balance), this also increases FOTW’s commission each month. FOTW can refer other Customers (no limit) which generate similar ‘first-month’ and ongoing monthly commissions. Some or any of those Customers may go on to refer other customers for themselves and thus expand their own and FOTW's spheres of influence and fund-creation.

  • Watch the following short video to understand how the numbers work....


  • All orders and business activity are calculated from the percentage volume in FOTW's sphere of influence, and calculated in US$ (paid by Westpac bank cheque each 10th of the month, in local NZ$). Cheques are made out in the name of Friends of the World, and promptly banked.

  • FOTW’s own monthly order cost is US$47.50 (NZ$78.60) + shipping, some of which is claimed as an ‘expense’ to qualify for income.

  • FOTW may also choose to ‘donate/give away’ its own product, or on-sell it for cost or a profit (and channel that all back into funds for donation or next month's order)

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