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Every time you order your Body Balance, you make something great happen too..


When was the last time you had an orange that only provided Vitamin C and nothing else, or a carrot that only contained Vitamin A?


Obviously, nature doesn’t work that way. Unlike the foods we eat, most vitamin and mineral supplements are isolated or perhaps even synthesized in a laboratory setting. These manhandled supplements are difficult for the body to digest and use. In contrast, Body Balance draws from the most nutritional foods on earth to provide the body with the kind of whole nutrition in liquid form, as nature designed.

Nine distinct Sea Vegetables combine with certified organic Aloe Vera juice, Black Cherry and a touch of Honey.

From the Sea

Sea vegetables are one of the oldest forms of life on the planet and have been used for thousands of years by Asian cultures as a major source of food and medicine. The Japanese people in particular, who consume an abundance of sea vegetables, have been revered for their enduring health and vitality. Incredibly, there are over 23,000 Japanese citizens currently living healthy, active lives over the age of 100, a record no other culture has been able to match.


From the Land

The Aloe Vera in Body Balance is certified organically grown and carries the seal of the International Aloe Science Council. The Aloe leaf contains over 75 nutrients and 200 active compounds. For centuries Aloe Vera has been used throughout the world for medicinal and skin care purposes, but some of its most powerful effects are achieved through consumption. In the last 50 years alone, nearly 500 medical studies have been published documenting the modern uses of Aloe Vera.

"It was winter & wet. I lived in a dark, damp home with no sun and every morning woke at 5am on the edge of depression.... "

Read how I overcame my personal health challenges


"My long and rewarding 12 years with Body Balance has been healthy and enjoyable. I now also take the powered-sticks with me when I am away from home to help me with all the ambitious events I have to encounter. Thank you for introducing me also to Friends of the World. I am very pleased to help"

Carolyn Bland, Sydney Australia

8 Essential 'Glyconutrients'

What makes Body Balance so unique is that it provides the eight essential glyconutrients, which are important for proper cellular communication. If cells cannot communicate their needs, then cellular structures will not be repaired or built correctly, and cells will not function properly. They will weaken, become ineffective, and eventually wither and die. When this breaking down process is repeated many times in a single tissue, it develops an increased vulnerability to premature aging and disease. These eight glyconutrients are essential for optimal health and are found in Body Balance.


The Gift of Health for Others

Remember, drinking Body Balance each day is not only such an essential part of your daily wellness, but also how doing so also feeds malnourished children in developing countries where even that basic dignity of food each day is not always a guaranteed.

Order Body Balance


Getting your Body Balance couldn't be simpler. Just choose your country of delivery, then select from the 3 product options to suit your lifestyle. Products usually arrive within 3 to 5 working days. Also, enjoying Body Balance is risk-free: there's a 100% 90-day money-back guarantee, so your body can go straight to work with all those liquid minerals.

We suggest a good start-up for the first month is a 4-pack for one adult. Otherwise 2 bottles per person is a good ongoing 'maintenance serving'.

And remember; as you order, drink and build better health and wellness for yourself, you're automatically helping others improve theirs too (we 'Give' on your behalf, every month, every order).

Select your country below to view the whole product range available and specific local pricing.

"Discovering Body Balance has been the nutritional supplement I have been searching for since starting upon this path towards wellness; a natural 'superfood' that builds superior health from the cellular level upwards. The investment is made even sweeter by being able to support others with what they require through Friends of the World"

Kenny Willis, TItirangi, Auckland, New Zealand

Distribution within the US/Canada/Australia/New Zealand/Singapore market only. This web-page was prepared by Friends of the World; an Independent  Life Force International Member. *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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