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Niños del Lago - San Pedro

Niños Del Lago


Niños del Lago means 'Children of the Lake', referring to Lago (Lake) Atitlan, in the central highlands of Guatemala. It's an apolitical, secular and non-profit social institution that was born as a social responsibility of San Pedro Spanish School ( in San Pedro La Laguna, Solola, in 2003 for the purpose of supporting the education of children and youth who want to improve their human situation and opportunities.


During the past 10 year term, many former students have improved their living conditions.


Unknown to much of the world, Guatemala after decades of civil war and holocaust-type scale of indigenous persecution, stands as one of the worst-placed of nations on the scale of malnutrition for its citizens, especially children. A dignified people, the many sub-Maya populations still strive towards better opportunities for their communities and future via their hope for better education for their children, especially.



We are a social organization that orient and support students wanting to improve their situation in the community through an array of values, scholarships, medical examination and provision of food as a means to develop and made for a better tomorrow.



Our vision today is to sow the seeds of the future in children according to their local cultural context towards a global perspective through our program activities within the project.

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