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Overcoming Depression

Around 2001/2002, I was going through some very challenging times. I had no stable income; struggling to cope with a relationship breakdown, stressed, running around looking for work; tired, lonely and very depleted in energy. I was 42. How many people can relate already to this, or your own version of the same?


It was winter & wet. I lived in a dark, damp home with no sun and every morning woke at 5am on the edge of depression, where the first thoughts were negative and the rest followed close on behind. I even limped into another relationship, but found I had nothing to give but distress, withdrawal and a temper I couldn't control. Frankly I was getting very scared of how I was living.

Even though by the end of each day I seemed more calm and balanced, I knew the next morning was going to bring the same old up-hill battle, and of course therefore, it did! I knew from my previous study it had to be related to a brain chemical imbalance, but what?


As this was going on, I was already drinking Body Balance, and even though I 'intellectually' knew it was at least supporting me, I was really only sipping at it, and not getting the full benefits. It was only when a respected medical friend introduced me to a book by John Gray phd ("Mars & Venus Diet & Exercise Solution") that I really started to "get it".

By following directions suggested in that book, adapting it slightly to suit the ingredients of Body Balance, and re-introducing a gentle morning exercise routine I very quickly (like 2 weeks!) not only toned my body again, but began to feel great about myself and noticed that I could now hold a positive thought first thing. Suddenly so much became possible again: to have creative thoughts and know I could act on them without overwhelm, & take part in life again!


Of course I also had a lot of loving support around me, and feel so glad I managed to avoid having to take medication, as is the only option most people in this situation believe they have.

I'm not a nutritionist, but I do know now that without the correct balance of natural daily nutrients and minerals (which are not found in our regular foods, even (sorry) organics, since the minerals are not in the soils) I was under-nourished, which, coupled with often extremes of stress took me quickly out of balance. *

So whether we look at obesity, depression or the whole array of 'modern' degenerative diseases like diabetes, heart failure, chronic fatigue etc (most of which hardly existed a hundred years ago!), Body Balance is the only complete, liquid whole food designed by nature that I've come across, which has the potential to bring the body back into balance. *

From there, it can address it's own health challenges.*

Distribution within the US/Canada/Australia/New Zealand/Singapore market only. This web-page was prepared by Friends of the World; an Independent  Life Force International Member. *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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